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Deanta UK

Building Materials · Ely, Cambridgeshire

We are not just another door company. We are not like everybody else. We have worked within the door industry for more than 2 ... 0 years. During this time we have established ourselves as a forward-thinking, innovative company with a mission to revolutionise the door industry. At Deanta, we have a strong set of beliefs that run through everything we do. Customer satisfaction is Deanta’s highest priority. We achieve this goal by continuously improving the cost effectiveness and performance of all our products and processes, as well as focusing on innovation. Unlike other UK door companies we have our own manufacturing facility. This not only allows us to control stock supply but it also allows us to have full control of the quality control process to ensure every door that leaves our factory is of the very highest standard. This also enables us to be extremely competitive on price, as well as surpassing expectations on service and giving us the flexibility to have doors manufactured to exactly meet the end users’ specification. read more

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