Davey Coach Sales Inc. - Similar companies

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Davey Coach Sales Inc.

Transportation/Trucking/Railroad ยท Sedalia, CO
Website: www.daveycoach.com

For nearly 30 years, Davey Coach has been a leader in new and used buses for sale and short and long-term lease/rental across ... North America. With headquarters in Denver and sales and service locations in Colorado, California and Indiana, Davey Coach is one of the largest fully-integrated shuttle bus dealerships from the Midwest to the West Coast. Davey Coach offers an extensive inventory of new and used buses for sale, lease, and rent. Our selection of shuttle buses for sale are available with hundreds of options to suit any set of needs including church buses, airport shuttles, limousine buses, childcare and assisted living transportation, and much, much more! Whatever your need, Davey can outfit a bus that fits! read more

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