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Computer Hardware ยท Princeton, NJ

Dataram accelerates innovaiton by providing technology solutions that help customers simplify, consolidate, automate and scal ... e their enterprise computing and data center environments. The Company has designed memory for 50,000+ systems and offers one of the most complete memory product lines in the industry, ranging from energy-efficient DDR4 modules to legacy SDR offerings. In 2017, the Company launched the Enterprise Storage Solutions business that provides primarily SSDs (solid state drives) for enterprise and data center environments. It recently launched several other products including SD and microSD cards, power banks, wireless chargers and consumer SSDs. Our technical solutions improve performance, reduce costs, and extend the useful life of the customer's computing infrastructure. We provide personalized care and over a wide range of unique, customizable programs aimed at reducing IT costs and protecting IT investments. Dataram is also growing! We are hiring sales professionals in the UK and Germany support our European customers, Houston Texas to support customers in the South-central US, and product marketing professionals for our Tampa Florida office. If interested, send us a note to start the conversation or visit us at For more information about Dataram, please visit read more

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