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Darwin EPM

Financial Services · Scottsdale, Arizona
Website: darwinepm.com

Based on our years of developing Analytics & EPM software solutions for over 1000 global customers, we felt that for this tec ... hnology to achieve its true potential, something needed to change. We needed a radical new approach that diverged from the current legacy approach to EPM. An Approach that has been plagued with a consistently high failure rate that we believe to be caused by not solutions lacking in “Out of the Box” feature rich ready to go implementations. At Darwin we consistently achieve the high value transformative results clients covet. We decided to develop a product that delivers real out of the box solutions…and enables a new way of unlocking value with this software. Darwin EPM, is the result of our innovative R&D. The company and product are engineered to leverage our deep domain knowledge, fueled by our passion to deliver great solutions for our valued customers, and inspired by our vision to put forward nothing short of a new way of managing global enterprises based on superior data driven decision making. Decisions Driven by Timely and Relevant Data Delivered at the Speed of Business. Darwin EPM is the Evolution of Data Personified. • TEAM – Dedicated team of top BPC consultants & engineers are working on the solution • FUNCTIONALITY – Far more functionality out-of-the-box than what would be built in a typical project • QUALITY – System goes through rigorous internal testing before it gets to you • STRUCTURE – We’re motivated to get it right and are not limited by billable hours • SUPPORT – Supported by Darwin support team • MAINTAINABILITY – Professional documentation included • ENHANCEMENTS – Continuous enhancements • FUTURE PROOF – Committed to SAP product roadmap – will provide upgrade to future versions TECHNOLOGY – Built on a tested, robust platform that performs better than anything out of the box with BPC Represents what we believe is the Evolution of Data Personified. read more

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