Imagine an ALA chapter that meets all the time—meetings you never have to drive to or dress for and that don’t take two to th ... ree hours out of your already-crowded schedule. Imagine that these meetings bring together ALA members, not only from your own city, but from around the world. Now imagine that this chapter also has a library of sample documents and solutions to problems that are available to you at the click of a mouse, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s no need to imagine it. That chapter is right here: The Cyber Chapter of the ALA. Since 1994, ALA members have been meeting online at the Cyber Chapter, exchanging information and advice, celebrating victories, and consoling each other in defeat. Now with more than 100 members, the Cyber Chapter brags many of the Association’s most dynamic and knowledgeable members, including former international and geographic chapter presidents. The only requirement for Cyber Chapter membership is membership in the Association of Legal Administrators. So join ALA’s only virtual chapter and take advantage of all it offers. Ready to join? Become a member today at Interested in attending one of our free CLM educational webinars? For the upcoming list: read more
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