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Crimson Legal Group

Financial Services · Wall, New Jersey

Debt Settlement (also referred to as debt negotiation, negotiated debt settlement or sometimes incorrectly called debt consol ... idation) means that your debt is negotiated down to a reduced amount and paid off in a lump sum. In some rare cases, multiple payments are utilized to pay off the debt, settling the account in full. Settlement is one of the most effective choices available to consumers. It’s a great choice if you have more debt than you can pay off in a 2 – 3 year time frame or are experiencing a financial hardship that has you falling behind (or just about to be) on your monthly payments. Why would creditors choose to settle debts rather than simply charge you interest and late fees over and over again? Well, it’s really a matter of dollars and good sense. Creditors know that if you get into such a bad financial position that you can’t pay your monthly payments, not to mention the amount of money consumers pay in interest and promotional fees. Therefore, they are usually very willing to settle for a lower amount, given your specific situation. One of our Debt Specialists will go through a full consultation to see if you can qualify. Crimson Legal Group has impeccable relationships with the creditors and collection agencies. You will also receive full legal representation with an attorney in your state for your protection. As well as specializing in FDCPA (fair debt collection practices act) violations to assist in getting you the best settlements possible. read more

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