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Information Technology and Services ยท Montecavolo di Quattro Castella, Reggio Emilia

Credemtel SpA is the company by Credem banking group operating since 1989 in providing telematic services to banks and compan ... ies. Born to be the technology antenna of the group, has grown over the years, opening and expanding its offering to the whole market and, thanks to the skills and experience, the company can now have more than 70% of its revenues generated from the market (not captive). The activity of Credemtel started by offering practical and innovative solutions within the CBI and has continued first in Document Management services, then continued in Management Control, with proposals characterized by the same objective: increase the profitability of its customers leveraging process automation and reduce costs associated with it. The experience of Credemtel, its powers, its project methodology and, why not, its innovative verve, are now available to companies of all sizes, banks and Public Administrations who wish to test them. read more

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