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CQuent Systems Inc.

Information Technology and Services · Arlington Heights, Illinois
Website: www.cquentsystems.com

CQuent Systems Inc, formed in 2005 with its Head quarters in Arlington Heights, IL, providing innovative solutions for its cl ... ients mostly catering Fortune 500 companies, extensively into Custom Software Development, Professional Consulting Services, Development of custom IT solutions and Tailor made application development utilizing its experienced staff, especially in e-commerce, banking, pharmaceutical & life sciences, retail, financial, Insurance and healthcare sectors related to Information Technology. We at CQuent understand needs and requirements of our customer and make technology to resolve your needs and thus realize your full potential. We know how to use technology and develop software that meets your requirements and satisfy your business needs…developing exactly what you need. We make outsourcing benefits work for your business. CQuent is of professional, talented, and bright people that are really easy to work with. Our international experience enables CQuent to be at the leading edge of business and technology. Our team has full-time highly qualified professionals - information technology architects, systems engineering and software specialists/developers, designers and business managers - committed to assuring timely delivery of solutions, total client satisfaction and the best cost/quality ratio available in the industry. read more

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