CPI TMD Technologies Ltd - Similar companies

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CPI TMD Technologies Ltd

Defense & Space · Hayes, Middlesex
Website: www.tmd.co.uk

CPI TMD Technologies Limited is among the world's leading manufacturers of microwave tubes, high voltage power supplies and t ... ransmitters for Radar, EW, Communications, EMC RF testing, and other Laboratory applications. CPI TMD Technologies has over 60 years’ experience in the design and manufacture of a wide range of Klystrons, Travelling Wave Tubes (TWTs) and Magnetrons which have gained a world-wide reputation for high reliability and long life. CPI TMD Technologies has designed, developed and produced numerous subsystem products for land, air and naval radar, EW and communications applications, particularly in the areas of security and defence. Thanks to our understanding of the complexities of microwave tubes and power supply integration, these products have gained an international reputation for excellent performance, reliability and customer support. read more

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