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Computer Software · Berlin

Cortado Mobile Solutions creates enterprise mobility and file sharing solutions for companies, teams and freelancers. Whether ... on premises or from the cloud – Cortado solutions consistently focus on improving the user’s mobile ability to perform. At the same time, the security requirements of companies are of the highest priority. Cortado Mobile Solutions follows the philosophy that the combination of working with native apps and the use of operating systems’ own security architecture brings the highest levels of user acceptance. An important mainstay for the company is its on-premises solution, Cortado Server. It is a unique enterprise mobility solution that combines the easy, secure management of mobile devices and apps with true mobile productivity. Cortado Cloud, the cloud variant of Cortado Server, enables mobile work without requiring installation or operation of its own server landscape. The portfolio of Cortado is completed by Teamplace – cloud storage for teams. It is available to private users as well as companies, teams, and freelancers who easily store, share, and collaborate on files thanks to Teamplace. Cortado solutions are developed and tested at its headquarters in Berlin. In addition to the highly qualified consultants in Germany, we also have experts at our branch offices in the USA, UK, Australia and Japan ensuring availability and support for all our global customers. Legal Notes: read more

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