Corazzin Group srl - Similar companies

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Corazzin Group srl

Furniture ยท Pieve di Soligo, Veneto

Corazzin Group own 10 productions companies located in the north-east of Italy, we cover all needs in modern and contemporary ... design to furnish home, office and hotel spaces. Our collections are a fusion of a totalliving concept! Our group offers a world of products and services to funish a turn key projects. Our Industries: Industria Mobili f.lli Corazzin, Marka total livink, Mobilegno cucine, Lyon's linea cucine, Synergie arredobagno, Walco office, Favero Cig, Morassutti arredamenti, Confort Line, Abitare by Mobilstella. Our corporate showroom: Corazzin Group srl - Export division Follow us on Facebook, Instagramm or Pinterest @corazzingroup read more

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