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Publishing · Lincoln, NE

Controller, "The Marketplace for Piston Aircraft," is a general aviation trade publication serving the needs of buyers and se ... llers of single- and twin-engine piston aircraft. Controller's full color photos and clean, easy-to-read format provides a comprehensive display of aircraft and aviation products and services available from around the country. Published weekly, Controller is distributed to subscribers, aircraft owners and select Fixed Base Operator locations throughout North America. Executive Controller, "The Marketplace for Turbine Aircraft," is a corporate aviation trade publication targeted to buyers and sellers of turboprop and jet aircraft. Published every four weeks on high-quality paper, Executive Controller offers premium display opportunities for investment-quality aircraft and features large, full-color photographs and detailed descriptions. provides sellers of piston and turbine aircraft instant access to buyers worldwide. Continuously updated, lets advertisers immediately display their latest inventory. The site’s easy-to-use search capabilities help buyers quickly find the aircraft they desire, whether it’s for purchase, lease, or fractional ownership. Buyers can also view multiple photos for listings with zoom capability, do detailed searches for aircraft dealers and FBO’s and find links to hundreds of dealer’s Web sites. Controller and Executive Controller are products of Sandhills Global read more

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