Continental investment group(cig-offshore) - Similar companies

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Continental investment group(cig-offshore)

Investment Banking ยท Juneau, Alaska

CIG-Offshore provides advisory services including but not limited to; risk management, data-driven solutions, staff capacity ... building, MSME and Agricultural Lending, Access to Finance, Digital currency capital Finance and FinTech, and lending Solutions for businesses, individuals and institutions from all over the world. This includes Eastern Europe; Balkans; Central, South and South East Asia; MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa. We offer full business brokerage services, investments, capital sourcing, new debt, IPO, leveraged buy outs, M & A, privatization and asset sales. We can structure complex investment partnerships and syndications by introducing investors to new or existing projects and developments. We offer complex consulting services in order to optimize your business and position it for sale. Our Manufacturer Representative Division can offer your manufactured products for sale worldwide. We have built solid relationships with major banks, high net worth individuals and private family offices and we can sell your business or locate capital for you. We also work with banks in the purchase of their bad debt and disposition of non-performing assets. read more

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