Whether you’re closing a transaction involving a single property or multiple properties in several states, with Commerce Titl ... e’s extensive multi-state footprint, advanced technology, financial strength and knowledgeable professionals, we have the expertise and resources required to deliver the personal service needed in today’s marketplace. Commerce Title is no novice in the title insurance and settlement services industry. Our professionals collectively have hundreds of years of industry experience, and we have a national reputation for service and excellence. Through our experienced retail teams, we strive to spoil you with excellent customer service like no other title company. Buying a new home is the American dream, and our goal is to make the process as easy as possible for all of our customers. In addition to serving retail customers, we also have the ability to provide business-to-business solutions for financial services companies, realtors and builders seeking to outsource all or some of their title insurance or escrow and settlement service needs. We offer high quality products and industry-leading turn times. Commerce Title and Closing Services, LLC, together with its various operating subsidiaries doing business under the “Commerce Title” or similar names, are proud members of the Auction.com family of companies. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Commerce Title. We look forward to serving you. read more
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