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Comma Group

E-Learning Providers ยท Toronto

The Duolingo test is an online and cheap English proficiency test accepted by a wide range of universities all around the wor ... ld. Being cheap, easy to take and held online, Duolingo has received great attention by applicants willing to apply to universities in the world, especially for applying to universities in US and Canada. The Iran Duolingo team has the honor of being the first Duolingo educational group in Iran; holding test preparation courses, workshops; developing educational materials, videos, sample question and assist candidates in the path to success in Duolingo test with the expertise of skilled teachers from US and Canada. The Iran Duolingo team has developed and published a rich archive of educational materials in social network platforms like Telegram, Instagram and the Iran Duolingo website. We assert to be the first educational group introducing the Duolingo English language test to Iranians all around the world. Finally, we do believe that migration is a tortuous, yet worthy of making journey. Patience, focus, confidence, planning and hardworking are a unique set for success in this journey. Iran Duolingo team will always be at your side in this tortuous, but amazing journey! read more

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