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Comco Pipe & Supply Company

Oil & Energy · Edmonton, Alberta

Established in 1968, Comco Pipe & Supply Company is headquartered in Edmonton, Alberta, with strategic locations across Canad ... a including: Fort McMurray, Calgary (AB) , Stonewall (MB), Guelph, Sarnia (ON) and Beaconsfield (QC). Specializing in distribution of process piping products to the energy, construction, manufacturing, pulp and paper, and mining industries. Comco is recognized as the leading industrial steel distributor of pipe, flanges, and fittings in Canada. Our commitment to our customers is “To safely provide outstanding quality and service as defined by our customers, by continually challenging ourselves to improve”. By realizing this commitment, we are confident that our customers will be provided with the lowest “Total Cost of Ownership”, which in turn will enhance and ensure their continued success. Comco has a long history with our customers from Maintenance, Repair & Operations (MRO) support contracts through to large Capital Projects and across all energy segments including: Oil Sands, Facilities, and Midstream. Our skilled and experienced staff is committed to establishing strategic partnerships through reliability, trust, and by providing solutions in our challenging and changing market. Comco meets this commitment by having the largest and most diverse industrial carbon steel inventory in Canada. We ensure our inventory is procured through best in class global manufacturing partners with a focus on both end user approvals as well as cost competitive options from manufacturers who have demonstrated quality and consistency in their product. Comco looks forward to being your preferred industrial steel supply solution, who will work diligently and with integrity to accomplish this goal. Thank you for your interest! Please send all Sales / Procurement inquiries to read more

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