Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Services is the world's largest one-on-one tutoring program. Our tutors have helped over 200,000 stu ... dents improve their grades, raise their test scores, learn productive study skills, build their academic self-confidence, and reach their full potential. The Club Z! tutoring program is successful because it provides highly individualized, one-on-one instruction in the comfort and security of your home, free from distractions. Tutoring sessions may also be scheduled at schools, after school facilities, libraries, or community centers. Club Z! tutors are experienced, degreed professionals and/or state certified instructors with impeccable credentials and a heartfelt enthusiasm for teaching. We serve all ages, pre-kindergarten through adult. Tutoring is available in all core subjects - reading, mathematics, science, history - as well as study skills, foreign languages, standardized test prep, assessment testing such as ACT and SAT, music lessons, and much more. read more
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