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Computer Software · Chertsey, Surrey

For over 30 years CliniSys Group has been at the forefront of diagnostics workflow, order communications and information mana ... gement solutions supporting radiology, cardiology and all pathology disciplines including anatomical or cellular, molecular and genetics. These encompass the complete workflow from order, clinical decision support, collection, processing, analysis, results and reporting, through integration into the clinical workflow. CliniSys Group has built an unrivalled reputation for the deployment of complex diagnostics networks and academic centres – and is the only vendor repeatably delivering across all disciplines end to end – at scale. CliniSys Group solutions have been deployed in 10 languages in thousands of laboratories across 23 countries and are used by hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals. Headquartered in the UK, CliniSys Group employs through CliniSys (UK) and MIPS (Europe), close to 500 dedicated diagnostics IT professionals. CliniSys provides market leading solutions across the UK and Ireland. • Its laboratory information management system, WinPath, is deployed in nearly 50% of all NHS trusts and now supports 34 pathology networks across the UK. • Tests for more than 40 million patients are processed on its order communications system, ICE every year, whilst more than one third of NHS acute trusts use ICE for test ordering by hospital wards, and over 70% of the same trusts use ICE for GP order comms. MIPS provides market leading solutions across Europe. • Its laboratory information management systems, GLIMS, DaVinci, GestLab, and MIPS vianova Labor support many of the largest laboratory networks across Europe. • Its order communications systems CyberLab, and iGestlab, are now also increasingly used by patients to access their own and their family’s test results. read more

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