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Clark Schaefer Hackett

Accounting · Dayton, OH

Clark Schaefer Hackett is a results-driven business advisory and accounting firm. We are forward-thinking. We are innovators ... and problem solvers and we optimize business results in financial, technology, workforce and operational areas. We are passionate about helping clients succeed—and strive to be a catalyst for growth and innovation. We’re passionate about client service, so we regularly share articles, resource guides and webinars that help you boost profits, manage risk, and improve performance. Take a look at Founded in 1938, we’re one of the region's largest professional services firms, operating eight offices in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Miami Valley, Springfield, Northern Kentucky, Toledo and East Lansing, MI. From these locations, we serve clients throughout the United States. INTERESTED IN JOINING CSH? Imagine a place where you don’t just work, you thrive. It’s a place where you’re guided through the challenges and choices on your professional path; you’re engaged in meaningful, energizing work; and you have the tools you need to succeed. Don’t settle – arrive where you’ll succeed – at Clark Schaefer Hackett. Click on the Careers tab above to learn more about the opportunities that await you! read more

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