Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Leeds (CSSA-LEEDS) - Similar companies

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Chinese Scholars and Students Association in Leeds (CSSA-LEEDS)

Education Management · Leeds, West Yorkshire

学联简介 利兹中国学生学者联谊会 Leeds-CSSA ( Chinese Student and Scholars Association )创建于1984年,隶属于全英中国学联,是利兹地区唯一被中国驻英国大使馆与利兹大学认证的非营利性学生学者组织 ... 。会员单位包括利兹大学,利兹都会大学以及利兹三一学院。学联旨在维护在利兹中国学生学者的权益,丰富学生学者人员的文化生活和体育生活,促进学术交流,增进中国学生学者人员之间的团结和交流,发展与华侨,英国及其他各国学生之间的友谊。利兹学联成立35年以来,在总领馆的关怀以及各界的支持下,不断扩大影响力,提高服务的深度和广度,不仅团结了在利兹广大中国学生,也为其架构了与国内外政府,高校,企业及其他组织机构联系的桥梁。利兹中国学联现下设主席团,校友顾问团,组织部(设秘书处),财务部,外联部,宣传部(设摄像处,技术处,文案处),活动部,文艺部(设艺术团包括舞蹈团,剧团,合唱团,策划处,行政幕后处),职业部,体育部。在即将到来的新的一年,会继续开展多样活动以服务广大中国学生学者。 Introduction to the Association The Leeds-CSSA (Chinese Student and Scholars Association) was founded in 1984 and is part of the China Association of Chinese Scholars. It is the only non-profit student and scholar organization accredited by the Chinese Embassy in the UK and the University of Leeds. Members include Leeds University, Leeds Metropolitan University and Leeds Trinity College. The Association aims to safeguard the rights and interests of Chinese students and scholars in Leeds, enrich the cultural life and sports life of students and scholars, promote academic exchanges, enhance the unity and communications between Chinese students and scholars, and develop students with overseas Chinese, British and other countries. Friendship. Since its establishment 35 years ago, the Leeds Federation has continuously expanded its influence and increased the depth and breadth of its services with the support of the Consulate General and the support of all walks of life. It has not only united most Chinese students in Leeds, but also established a framework with domestic and foreign governments. It is a bridge between universities, businesses, and other organizations. The Leeds CSSA is now chaired by the Presidium, the Alumni Advisory Group, the Organization Department, the Finance Department, the External Relations Department, the Propaganda Department , the Activities Department, and the Arts Department Career services department, sports department. In the next year, we will continue to carry out various activities read more

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