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Charles Reinhart Company

Real Estate · Ann Arbor, MI

Founded in 1971, Reinhart is the definitive market leader in the greater Ann Arbor area, including Washtenaw, Jackson, southe ... rn Livingston, northern Lenawee and western Wayne Counties, with annual sales of more than $380 million. We owe our success today to setting the bar high from the beginning. Many years later, founder Charles Reinhart said, “We never set out to be number one.” We were committed to creating a quality organization. That emphasis on quality has created generations of repeat customers, and a reputation for treating them like family. In fact, the whole Reinhart operation functions internally like an extended family, with surprisingly low turnover of agents and staff in an age when the average adult changes jobs every couple of years. We love what we do and wouldn’t go anywhere else. Today we have 6 offices serving a large portion of southeastern Michigan. With our strong commitment to ethics, education, management, marketing and technology, and to providing a work environment that encourages personal growth and creativity, we have continued to be the area sales leader throughout our history. Over the years, services have expanded to include everything you need, in additional to sales, under one roof--rentals, property management, commercial sales and leasing, corporate relocation and group moves, and mortgage financing. read more

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