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Chargello Caribbean

Marketing and Advertising · Miami, Florida

Chargello provides businesses portable phone chargers to keep their customers charged. Chargello offers their proprietary cha ... rgers either via a subscription service or for free supported by advertising. This unique advertising channel, offers a powerful opportunity to brands that can now place their ads directly on the batteries for a higher visibility and a more intimate experience, ultimately providing a long-lasting interaction between brands and consumers. With Chargello brands can have access to targeted campaigns, ads can be placed where and when wanted, to optimize results. The innovative product design and portable charging stations, compatible with all smartphones, provide venues with a free solution for customers to charge their phones -- thus, serving up a value-added experience by easily solving the ongoing low-battery or no-battery problems. Chargello’s powerful battery devices allow smartphones to charge almost 3x faster than any regular outlet charger and can charge a maximum of six mobile phones simultaneously. Currently available in over 4,500 venues in 20+ countries including South America, Europe, the Middle East, and North America. read more

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