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CET International

Education Management · Bellingham, WA
Website: cetinternational.com

CET International (CETI) is “building bridges across cultures through education and international/intercultural experiences” ... including the Private School Program, Training and Internship Work Opportunities, Outbound Programs, and Short Term US Study Programs. CET has a sister not-for-profit organization, CET USA, that manages a J-1 High School exchange program. That program is described in our showcase page. The CET Private School Program allows international students to select from a wide variety of private day schools and boarding schools across the United States. Students attending day schools are placed with fully screened and vetted host families for a full immersion experience. The Private School Program is managed from the Elkhart, IN office with field support located near the school placements. The Training and Internship Work Experience Program works with US host companies and international post secondary students and recent graduates to identify relevant work experience opportunities in the United States. These programs are 12 - 18 months in length and managed from the Bellingham, WA office with field support in California and Michigan. The Outbound Programs offer US students the opportunity to study and travel abroad for short term, semester and year long periods. The program office works with interested applicants to select the right program for them from a number of offerings. This program is managed from the Bellingham, WA office. The Short Term US Study Programs are offered to international high school age students who are beginning a longer term study period in the US or are interested in trying a short term summer experience in the United States. This program is managed from the Bellingham, WA office. read more

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