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CES Exams Toronto

Education Management · Toronto, Ontario
Website: www.ieltstoronto.com

CES Toronto Exams (formerly Global Village Toronto Exams) is the official International English Language Testing System (IELT ... S) Test Centre in downtown Toronto, Ontario. The Test Centre is located on the premises of Global Village Toronto, a member of the prestigious CES group of schools. Since 1989, IELTS has been proven and trusted worldwide to provide a secure, global, authentic and customer-focused test which measures true to life ability to communicate in English. Over 9,000 educational institutions, government agencies and professional organizations in more than 140 countries around the world recognize IELTS scores as a trusted and valid indicator of ability to communicate in English. In Canada, IELTS is used as a measure of English language proficiency for citizenship, Permanent Residence applications, immigration, skilled worker applications, university entrance requirements, Masters degree programs, and other professional designations. IELTS is the world’s most popular high-stakes English language test, accepted for study, work and migration. IELTS sets the standard for integrity, research and innovation. read more

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