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Center for REALTOR® Development

Real Estate · Chicago, Illinois

We are an online learning platform that offers official National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) education and credentials. Of ... ficial NAR designations supported: ABR®, ALC, CIPS, CRB, CRS, GREEN, SRES®, SRS. Official NAR certifications supported: AHWD®, C-RETS, e-PRO®, MRP, PSA, RENE, RSPS, SFR®. The NAR is America's largest trade association, representing 1.3 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. Center for REALTOR® Development is owned and operated by NAR and is a distinct online platform of activities devoted to: lifelong learning, career advancement, and specialized credentials for real estate professionals. Its educational offerings provide REALTORS® with the expertise to build their businesses, better serve clients, and differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace. Many of the courses at Center for REALTOR® Development offer continuing education (CE) credits in select states—at no additional charge to the student. General CE credit information may be found at our online Support FAQ, and the exact number of hours of CE offered by any particular course may be found on its product page. read more

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