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Castore Consulting

Management Consulting · London, England

Castore Consulting provides start-ups with strategic advisory from high-calibre student consultants from the London School of ... Economics and Political Science (LSE) on a pro-bono basis. Founded in 2018 by postgraduate students, we've advised and partnered with exceptional clients. Our current and past clients include start-ups that are Y Combinator companies, engaged in Series A funding, and venture capital firms. Our services portfolio is designed for a variety of start-ups in different industries, scale, and maturity to focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities. Our capabilities: Marketing and Sales, Operations, Organisation, Risk Management, Strategy, Sustainability, Transformation, Venture Capital For more information on us, visit © 2021 Castore Consulting Castore Consulting is part of the London School of Economics Students' Union, a company registered in England and Wales (Company Number: 7710669) and a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (Registered Charity Number: 1143103). Registered office: Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, 1 Sheffield Street, London, WC2A 2AP. read more

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