Cassis Travel Services, Inc. - Similar companies

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Cassis Travel Services, Inc.

Entertainment ยท Los Angeles, California

Established in 1979, Cassis Travel Services Inc. (CTS) was formed as a privately held premier travel management company, with ... offices in Los Angeles, New York, Charlotte and London. Our business was built on providing quality service to the business and entertainment traveler. While the role of the travel management company is rapidly changing, we have moved ahead to utilize advanced technology, and the highest quality personnel to maintain our superior level of service and cost savings. Today, CTS is an over $200 million a year globally recognized International Management Company. One of the most important factors in our success is the day-to-day involvement in the business by our owners. Decisions can be made quickly and effectively with a dedicated staff that averages over 16 years experience in the travel industry. All of our corporate partnerships are entered into with the understanding that long-term relationships are fundamental to the success of our business and yours. Our travel programs are built upon quality, cost and service; which will provide your company with the very best in Travel Management. read more

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