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Capital Fulfillment Group

Financial Services · Weymouth, MA

Capital Fulfillment Group (CFG) is a marketing and technology solutions company that specializes in the development and imple ... mentation of innovative marketing, fulfillment, and compliance automation services. CFG’s programs not only capitalize on our experience and focus by exclusively serving the financial services industry, but exemplify a keen understanding on what our clients require from their marketing, fulfillment and technology partners. Our customized programs and FINRA approved revenue-generating toolsets are integrated with traditional methods of channel marketing and shareholder fulfillment, enabling clients to more effectively measure, monitor, and manage their own behaviors, make wiser spending decisions, and ultimately reach their primary goal of gaining assets under management. The foundation of the CFG solution suite is a proprietary, real-time application, CFGweb. It provides a virtual hub for your content, is integrated with hundreds of first and third party applications, and provides a comprehensive distribution and regulatory reporting platform. Company Sold to (NYSE:DST) in 2010 and rebranded to Lateral Group NA in 2012 and Disolved in 2014. read more

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