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Cambridge News

Media Production · Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

Established since 1888, the Cambridge News is the area’s daily (Monday – Saturday) newspaper and is part of Cambridge News & ... Media who publish the region’s most respected media with a combined audience reach of 248,000 in both print and online. In addition to the Cambridge News and its associated website ( Cambridge News & Media also publish the monthly Cambridge Magazine, targeted at readers who live in Cambridge or its immediate surroundings and gives you a modern view of what is available in the city . They also organise a significant and growing series of events under the Cambridge Awards & Events brand including the Cambridge News & Media Business Excellence Awards, Cambridge News & Media Community Awards and Cambridge News & Media Education Awards plus many more . Proudly part of the Trinity Mirror stable with an audience in excess of twenty-seven million readers, we can help you identify and target your potential customers whether they are local, national or worldwide. To get in touch please use the following: General Enquiries: call 01223 632200 Advertising: or call: 01223 632888 Editorial: or call: 01223 632777 read more

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