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Calvert Education

E-Learning · Hunt Valley, Maryland

Calvert helps schools achieve student success with virtual and blended learning. We provide curriculum, tools and services fo ... r schools around the world, with flexible solutions that meet their unique needs. As a mission-based organization, we have specialized in unconventional learning settings and experiences for 112 years. We believe that all students deserve a quality education, no matter where or when learning happens. Calvert has been used by 600,000 students in 90 countries. Our research-based curriculum is known for its academic rigor and engaging approach to project-based learning, designed to build skills that last a lifetime. We carefully curate best of breed educational content and bring it to life in a cohesive learning framework, with a clear pedagogy and intuitive online tools. As passionate educators, we wake up every day thinking about student success, which we help school partners achieve every step of the way with dedicated support. HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? •Keep students in your district, with a true partner that doesn’t compete with your school for enrollments. •Gain flexibility with your choice of: •A full curriculum OR individual courses •Your school’s Learning Management System OR Calvert’s intuitive LMS. •A digital only experience, or printed materials and texts that complement digital. •Instructional or other services based on your specific needs. •Build creative-thinking and independent thinking skills with project-based, active learning woven into the curriculum. LET’S TALK. Email read more

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