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Calvary Industries

Chemicals · Fairfield, Ohio

Calvary Industries was founded in 1983 as a chemical compounding supplier and manufacturer. Since then we have expanded to th ... ree locations and over 150,000 sq. ft of manufacturing and warehouse space. Calvary Industries formulates and produces blended process chemicals such as industrial cleaners, conversion coatings, metalworking fluids, paper & pulp, and waste treatment chemistries. We also blend, package and otherwise process customer-owned product to customer specifications. Material is shipped in containers ranging from 4 oz. to bulk tank truck. Our production staff and processes are supported by chemists and fully equipped laboratories. With manufacturing capabilities throughout North America and partners abroad, our geographical service area is extensive. Advantech® is our revolutionary line of conversion coatings. Advantech® improves performance over iron and zinc phosphate; allows for overall reduction in process costs due to reduced water and energy usage and system maintenance. Our industrial water treatment technologies provide customers with site-specific water treatment programs to meet their needs. Calvary Industries, Inc. maintains ISO 9001: 2008 quality registration. We will provide you with excellent in-plant service, unsurpassed blending expertise and exceptional production capability, while maintaining a total quality program throughout our processes. read more

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