California Nurses Association - Similar companies

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California Nurses Association

Hospital & Health Care · Oakland, CA

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee (CNA/NNOC) is one of the nation’s fastest growing labo ... r and professional organizations in the U.S. and a strong, progressive voice for nurses, patients, and healthcare workers around the world. We organize and unite to advocate for guaranteed healthcare for all, as well as social, economic, and climate justice issues that affect the quality of life and health of our patients and our communities. We are seeking like-minded and experienced professionals in a variety of fields to join the staff of CNA/NNOC. Please see our available jobs at - include in your cover letter your personal dedication to social justice issues. Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: In 2009, CNA/NNOC became a founding member of National Nurses United with United American Nurses and Massachusetts Nurses Association, creating the largest union and professional association of nurses in U.S. history. We won national acclaim as a leading advocate of guaranteed healthcare by expanding and updating Medicare to cover all Americans, for negotiating many of the best collective bargaining contracts for RNs, and for sponsorship of innovative legislation and regulatory protections for patients and nurses. We sponsored a law requiring minimum RN-to-patient ratios, the most effective solution in the U.S. for stemming the erosion of care standards in hospitals. Our RNs have contracts that enhance the voice of RNs in patient care decisions, outlaw dangerous practices, improve retirement security, and other provisions needed to retain career RNs at the bedside and protect patients. CNA/NNOC has won landmark contract innovations including limits on the use of new technology that displaces RNs or subverts RN independent judgment and expanded protections in containing the spread of pandemics. read more

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