Calgary Italian Bakery Ltd. - Similar companies

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Calgary Italian Bakery Ltd.

Food Production ยท Calgary, Alberta

Calgary Italian Bakery, a family owned and operated company founded in 1962 is committed to providing quality products that m ... eet customer specifications and we are committed to travel along the path of integrity without looking back, adjusting to an ever-changing road while holding on to our unchanging principles. Quality is our measure of success as we continue to produce consistent and safe products. We continue to strive for excellence and to lead the market in quality initiatives. We place a stong emphasis on food safety through implementation of a HACCP program, employee training and controlled activities and work processes. We believe that quality is a joint effort and every person working with us directly impacts the quality of our product. It is the responsibility of all employees to conduct their activities in a manner that will ensure that all food safety and quality parameters are met. Our promise to you and your family is the same promise we made to our family, to never do anything we couldn't tell our Mothers about. read more

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