CalaChem Ltd - Similar companies

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CalaChem Ltd

Chemicals · Grangemouth, Scotland

CalaChem located in Grangemouth, Scotland is a large scale contract and toll manufacturer with a track record of producing Ag ... rochemical Actives, Intermediates and Speciality Chemicals. CalaChem’s high quality manufacturing assets which has three principal plants with over 20 multi-purpose reactor trains are employed across a broad range of chemistries. CalaChem is committed to lean manufacturing, in-house effluent treatment and other support services. CalaChem’s strength is its people. The highly skilled and motivated workforce are experienced in process development, continuous improvement, project delivery and successful manufacture of customer projects. CalaChem also provides a range of services to other companies adjacent to its site in Grangemouth. This includes electricity and steam supply as well as wastewater treatment. The Grangemouth site where CalaChem is situated now was originally founded in 1919 as Scottish Dyes Ltd. Over the years the company has developed along with its product range and advanced into different market sectors. read more

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