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Burj Mossac & Company

Management Consulting · Los Angeles, California
Website: www.burjmossac.com

Burj Mossac & Company is a privately held company in Los Angeles, and has been affiliate with BKPWM, the world’s largest asar ... ra service group. Burj Mossac & Company serves businesses, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and not for profits around the world, by delivering strategic counsel and innovative solutions, across all communication disciplines. The firm’s deep understanding of global issues and economies make it a valuable partner for emerging nations as well as for those looking to enter, grow, invest or build alliances in these regions. Known for creating game-changing ‘live’ platforms and engaging high-profile leaders on its clients’ behalf, Burj Mossac & Company provides world-class expertise in all aspects of meeting design, production and marketing. It has implemented hundreds of projects globally and is one of the only consulting firms in the world experienced in branding nations. Burj Mossac & Company has offices in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the United States with plans for expansion into Asia and Latin America. It currently employs more than 50 high-caliber professionals − representing multiple nationalities and a diverse range of skill and experience – and is supported by an elite International Advisory Board, including current and former government officials and leaders of both public and private enterprise. for any inquiries or questions please contact customer service (424) 903-8595 read more

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