BuCET Group - Similar companies

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BuCET Group

Information Technology and Services ยท Idstein, Hessen
Website: www.bucet.de

The BuCET Group consists of 5 companies and operates in the fields of consultancy, aerospace, IT and banking worldwide. Withi ... n our group the BuCET AG stands for competent, customized and reliable services in the fields of Consultancy, Engineering and Technology for our customers. Our clients are located all around the globe and belong to branches such as satellite communication, aerospace, airspace and IT. We specialize in projectmanagement, system establishment and quality- and configurationsmanagement. Also part of the group are the companies becker-aero which specializes in developent and production of surveillance technology. Xentasystems is an international technology-, management-, and outsourcing service provider. BSS - BuCET Shared Services takes care of the operative tasks of our group such as personalmanagement and -development. Airtel is located in Dublin and offers communication software for Air-Ground Data Link between aircrafts and the groundstations. TCI Consult in Vienna is a business consultancy and system house for business intelligence and performance. read more

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