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Bryant Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Plumbing

Consumer Services · Lincoln, NE

Bryant Air Conditioning & Heating Company began in 1952, as a two-man operation originally named “Custom Air Conditioning”. I ... n 1956 founder, Fred R. ‘Bob’ Sikyta bought out his partner’s share of the company along with a local Bryant dealer and changed the name to Bryant Air Conditioning & Heating Company. From that time on the company continued to grow in size and services. In October 2004 Bob Sikyta retired and sold the company to his employees under an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Today Bryant continues to grow, employing nearly 75 people, largely consisting of skilled tradesmen and women. Bryant strives to be one of Lincoln's most trusted service companies and a source of knowledge when it comes to the HVAC, Electrical and Plumbing trades. read more

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