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Information Technology and Services ยท Herlev

Connecting solutions for a connected world. We make classic technology sectors intelligent connecting them to each other and ... enabling technological solutions in those areas where they previously did not exist. The Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group: Our roots can be traced back over 100 years and began with the development of devices for recording energy consumption. Since then, we have perfected our knowledge of different energy forms, their measurement, the recording and evaluation of building data and all services based on this. This journey has been marked by many pioneering inventions and patents, and our efforts are undiminished in pursuing this story packed with unfettered innovation and technological leadership. We are a global player, boasting a workforce of around 3,900 employees all over the world, active with local partners in over 60 subsidiaries in over 100 countries around the globe. Using open standards, digital platforms and services, we provide smart answers to contemporary challenges faced by the housing industry, public utilities, municipalities and cities, industry and private end users. Our solution portfolio encompasses both complete endto-end solutions and all the modules contained therein in this case, from hardware and software to the services based on these. read more

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