Bradfields Academy is an innovative and forward-looking specialist SEND provision which provides education for students who e ... xperience a co-morbidity of complex learning disabilities and difficulties [CLDD] including speech, language, emotional, sensory, physical and autistic spectrum disabilities. It aims to be a leading centre of excellence in the Special Education Sector where students can thrive and fully develop their cognitive, social and emotional skills in order to take a full, active and responsible role in their local community and beyond as Global Citizens and Ambassadors for students with disabilities. Bradfields converted to an academy in April 2014 following a universal decision by staff and governors to step away from Medway LA and seek its own destiny independently but still to the benefit of children and young adults in Medway and SE England. In September 2012 the school changed its registered designation with the DfE from 11-19 MLD/ASD with 235 students to 4-19 MLD/ASD with 275 students. This followed a £1,5m build funded by Medway LA to include ASD students in the 4-11 age range with MLD and 11-16 age range with MLD. In September 2014 the Academy roll was increased to 295 places as a result of the increased demand for places at Bradfields. The Academy provides Outreach Support to Nursery; Primary & Secondary phase Schools/Academies within the Medway Towns as well as being contracted through the Teaching Schools to support on SEND. This has included work as far afield as Portsmouth Academy for Girls. The academy is spread over a large campus with the Lower Site for students aged 4-14 [Primary Blue & Yellow Zones] and the Upper Site for students aged 15-19 [Blue, Red & Green Zones]. Bradfields Academy delivers the full EYFS & National Curriculum and Externally Accredited Qualifications via subject specialist teachers who are experienced in working with students with special educational needs. The curriculum is planned, delivered and assessed a read more
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