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BPU Holdings

Information Technology and Services · Seoul, Gangnam-gu
Website: www.bpuholdings.com

BPU Holdings, the pioneer of Artificial Emotional Intelligence (AEI) is a global company, headquartered in Korea. BPU Holding ... s Mission is to generate the most advanced, usable, secure and innovative Artificial Emotional Intelligence technology in the world. As such, BPU has created the first Artificial Emotional Intelligent (AEI) platform — AEI Framework. Artificial Intelligence (AI) emulates how people think — AEI emulates how people feel. BPU advances the human condition by providing rigorous tools to improve emotional intelligence. Identifying and handling emotions enables management of interpersonal and professional relationships judiciously and empathetically. AEI is a synthesis of Natural Language Analysis, Machine Learning and Emotional Intelligence (EI). We are committed to building technology with Privacy by Design. Individuals and organizations have sovereign control and ownership of their AEI environment. read more

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