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Box Marche

Packaging and Containers Manufacturing ยท Corinaldo, Ancona

Welcome to Boxmarche, the right Company for outstanding packaging solutions. Since 1969, we are one of the leading companies ... in the packaging sector in Italy. We take care of all the phases from conceptualization to development and distribution of a wide range of standard and customized products as well as products fully based on key customers requirement. Our recognized excellence is based on our deep knowledge and experience combined with advanced technology to deliver to our consumers the most suitable and innovative ideas. Our values are our pillars and they define the way that all Box Marche employees are expected to behave to conduct flowless business: the customer comes first, partnership, centrality of the enterprise, human respect, environment and territory, quality, relevance of capital, spirit of winning. Our inspiration, our vision: "become leader in packaging and visual design sector, offering innovative solution and services with high added value in European market". Our vocation is promoting the Box Marche culture that is for individuals and teams the enabler to reach extraordinary results and be pride of them. We also give prominence to cooperation with customers by providing products and services with high value through innovation and excellence. Welcome! If you want a package to enhance your products, you are in the right place. Simply the best! read more

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