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Bocconi Students for Real Estate

Leasing Real Estate · Milan, Lombardy

Bocconi Students for Real Estate is a Bocconi students' club founded in 2019 by a group of students willing to share their kn ... owledge and passion for the real estate industry. The club aims to promote and offer a wide range of real estate related activities throughout the Bocconi community by organizing conferences, networking with professionals and developing relations with all the main market operators such as banks, real estate intermediaries, insurance companies, etc. The association's main objectives are: a) exploit the association environment to share each other’s knowledge and passion for real estate; b) improve each other’s skills in real estate valuation and apply the theoretical knowledge into practical situations; c) plan real estate investments and build virtual real estate portfolios; d) get tips from professionals on how to operate in real estate, understanding the risks that might be encountered; e) implement group works to sharpen the member’s team working abilities and leadership skills; f) straighten the real estate knowledge playing board games, such as “Free Cash Flow”, to learn by doing. Membership is highly selective. We hold multiple recruitment sessions a year where we try to select the most bright and motivated people in Bocconi. Academic performance may not be a criterion for admission to the association. The candidate will be requested to submit his/her resume. His motivation and eligibility for the association will be tested by the Board. For any further information, please send a message to this linkedin page or send an email to: read more

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