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BNP Paribas 3 Step IT

Information Technology and Services · Nanterre, Île-de-France

We offer an IT lifecycle management solution that helps businesses to acquire IT equipment (especially IT devices, like lapto ... ps, desktops & smartphones), manage them in use, and refresh devices after a planned life. Our approach makes technology management cost-efficient, secure and environmentally friendly. Our asset management platform provides IT managers complete control and visibility of all devices and simplifies budgeting, upkeep and renewal. The system also minimises IT security risks by providing real-time insights into device health and features a powerful reporting engine that provides complete visibility of every asset by cost centre, product group and location. We’ll collect your old devices, securely erase the data, and give them a second lease of life. We refurbish 98% of returned devices which prevents them from going to landfill and reduces our customers environmental footprint. BNP Paribas 3 Step IT brings together BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, European leader in asset finance, and 3stepIT, seasoned experts in technology lifecycle management. We currently operate in France, Germany, UK, Italy, Netherlands and Belgium. The 3 Step IT group also operate in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, Malaysia and Singapore. read more

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