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BNI Wilmslow

Marketing and Advertising · Alderley Edge , Cheshire

BNI is the most successful business networking referral organisation in the world. We have over 12,500 members in the UK and ... Ireland alone, passing over 676,000 referrals worth over £497 million every year! It is quite literally the best way to build a better business. “BNI is more than three times more effective than Google for my business.” Lawrence Conyers, Anson Corporate Media, Newton Aycliffe, England BNI allows only one representative from each trade or profession to join any BNI group. This means you can lock out your competition, ensuring you receive 100% of all new business. Working together, BNI members achieve incredible results, growing their business in ways they could never accomplish alone. BNI Wilmslow meets at the Alderley Edge Golf Club every Tuesday morning at 6.45am. Remember once you join you lock out your competition, so contact us now to arrange a visit. read more

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