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Bizuma makes it easy to reach verified & vetted buyers and sellers in over 50 countries, all on 1 secure, private platform. B ... izuma Secure Marketplace Sourcing: A private, secure, marketplace to source new products from sellers all over the world. Find exclusive deals from manufacturers or we will find manufacturers to supply what you require. Bizuma will constantly negotiate for better deals, so you don’t have to. Selling: Bizuma can help you sell more effectively in existing markets or access buyers in new markets you are not currently selling in. We have created our software in such a way that you are in control if you don’t want to sell in a particular country, in a certain channel or below a set RRP/ wholesale price. We can also show your products to approved buyers that we hand-pick just for you. Bizuma Global Tender Utilising the millions of products from verified & vetted suppliers on the Bizuma Secure Marketplace will allow you to be more competitive and offer products your competition can’t when tendering for construction, hotels & apartment projects. Just sign up to Bizuma and browse products you can use in your tender process. You bid for the contract and then order, negotiate & work with suppliers to deliver your project. Tender as a Service: A bespoke service where Bizuma will provide you with an Account Manager as well as a Procurement professional who will help you through the entire process to complete your bid. Bizuma Market Share Bizuma can help you grab market share through diversification in a matter of weeks by providing a complete platform, with the ability to integrate into any existing platform, which includes: Inventory Management, Shipping, Distribution, Customer Management and Portal, Reports, all with access to millions of products from vetted & verified suppliers in over 50 countries. read more

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