Big Vision is a consulting organization with deep expertise in advanced Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and ... Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and development. We work on a wide variety of problems including image recognition, object detection and tracking, automatic document analysis, face detection and recognition, computational photography, augmented reality, 3D reconstruction, and medical image processing to name a few. We are the experts in computer vision and machine learning libraries like OpenCV and Dlib, Deep Learning frameworks like PyTorch, and Tensorflow / Keras. Depending on the problem at hand, we use the right library and framework. Whether your solution runs on the Cloud – Amazon Web Service (AWS), Azure, Google Compute Platform (GCP) – or needs to run on an edge device like Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Intel’s Neural Compute Stick (NCS), or OpenCV AI Kit, we have the expertise and depth of experience to solve problems for you. We continue to passionately build Big Vision capabilities with our world class talent and partners across the globe to accelerate the adoption of our CVML and AI solutions in commercial offerings. We stand united in our commitment and partnership with for offering our acclaimed courses globally. In addition, we serve the AI community by publishing free tutorials and learning material on our popular blog – At Big Vision, we take pride in our work. We are craftsmen at heart. We have built a world class team by sharpening our tools and improving our craft every single day! read more
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