BforB Spain Networking Clubs - Similar companies

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BforB Spain Networking Clubs

Executive Office · Barcelona, Barcelona

Business for Breakfast - BforB es una empresa internacional de marketing de recomendación. Organizamos clubs de emprendedores ... para dueños de empresas establecidas y nuevas, consultores, entrenadores, mentores y formadores que, mediante la colaboracion y el marketing de referencias buscan fortalecer sus marcas e incrementar los ingresos de sus negocios. Las reuniones están basadas en la confianza, la recomendación y la experiencia. Cada miembro del club tiene una posición exclusiva en su campo. Nosotros no competimos, nosotros colaboramos y compartiendo relaciones hacemos crecer una provechosa red de profesionales. Business for Breakfast - BforB is an international referral marketing organisation. We run entrepreneurial clubs for established and upcoming business owners, consultants, coaches, mentors and trainers who through referral marketing seek to strengthen their brands and increase revenue of their businesses. Regular club meetings are based on trust, recommendation and expertise. Each club member holds an exclusive position within its field. We do not compete, we collaborate and through shared connections grow a profitable network of professionals., read more

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