Bertus-Dekker Seafood B.V. - Similar companies

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Bertus-Dekker Seafood B.V.

Fishery ยท IJmuiden, North Holland

At Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v. we specialise in top quality flat fish. We are well know for sole and plaice - but we also supp ... ly prime turbot and brill. We buy only the best of the Dutch catch. We process it with care. We supply it to customers across Europe and, indeed, the world. And we maintain the tightest quality controls right through the process; from purchase to order filling. Based at the Dutch fishing port of IJmuiden, Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v. has roots going back to 1905. Much has changed since then, but not the dedication to quality. The product is checked and double-checked at every stage. It starts with our master-buyers. To win their approval, the fish must be top-class. And we ensure that it reaches our customers on time, as ordered, and as fresh as the moment it left the sea. Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v.'s overall processing and logistics operation employs some 80 people. To help them deliver quality, we use the latest processing technology. This is constantly updated. We also train and cherish vital manual skills. Our personnel aren't born champion filleters - but Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v. can teach them how. And they have the satisfaction of working with only the finest flatfish the sea can produce. It all shows in the end-product. Our customers know that they're getting a constant, top-class, bone-free fillet. In fact, the same quality guarantee applies to all products with the Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v. label. We process both fresh and frozen products. Alongside fillets, Bertus-Dekker Seafood b.v. also supplies large volumes of whole fish. We are recognised specialists in sole and plaice. The same applies when it comes to freezing to specification. We deliver the finest fish frozen just the way the customer ordered. Right on time, every time. No matter how big or small the order. read more

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