Bell Electrical Contractors - Similar companies

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Bell Electrical Contractors

Construction ยท Maryland Heights, Missouri

Since we were founded in 1974, Bell Electrical Contractors has grown to be one of the largest electrical contractors in the S ... t. Louis area. We serve clients throughout the greater metropolitan St. Louis area and the region. Our service department operates 24 hours a day, providing unparalleled service response. As a member of MDU Construction Services Group, we have financial backing and collective buying power to provide our customers with competitive pricing. We work with our sister companies, including Capital Electric Construction Company and Capital Electric Line Builders in Kansas City, Missouri, to meet our clients' needs, wherever they may be. MDUCSG MDU Construction Services Group is a subsidiary of MDU Resources Group. MDU Resources Group is a major natural resources company that provides value-added natural resource products and related services that are essential to energy and transportation infrastructure. The company's stock has been traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1948. It trades under the symbol MDU. read more

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