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Beleef Klassiek

Music · Elburg, Gelderland

The Bach Choir of the Netherlands and The Bach Orchestra of the Netherlands. Throughout the Netherlands, this group performs ... at more than 100concerts per year. The concert series are subdivided into concert tours: e.g. Händel’s Messiah, Bach’s St Matthew Passion, Mozart’s Requiem, Opera Classic's etc. etc.. Concerts are given in The Royal Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Grote Kerk in The Hague, the Laurenskerk in Rotterdam, the Martinikerk in Groningen, but also in smaller churches in country towns. Sold out concerts and full churches have triggered conductor Pieter Jan Leusink to increase the level of the musicians and singers. By doing so, he can offer the audience a broader repertoire. Due to the high level of performance and a total of 120.000 concert-goers per year, this concert organization of classical music has become one of the biggest in the Netherlands read more

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